This recipe can be either sweet or plain in flavor. Without using white flour, this combination provides more fiber and minerals.


Combination A: 1 3/ cup warm water, 1 tbsp organic cane sugar, 1 tsp active yeast powder

Combination  B: 2 cup organic whole wheat flour, 1/2 cup corn meal, 1 tsp baking soda, 1/2 tsp sea salt

Combination C: 10 ml corn oil/ vegetable oil/ olive oil


(1)     Mix all the ingredients in Combination A, let it set for 5 minutes or until bubbles appear.

(2)     Meanwhile mix all the dry ingredients together in Combination B in a dry clean container.

(3)    Pour Combnation A into Combination B, stir and mix until you have a smooth non-sticky dough. Rub the dough with 5ml oil and let it rise to double size for about one hour.

(4)    Spread some flour on a dry clean surface, put the dough onto this surface and briefly knead, rub the dough with the rest oil, focusing on the side to be on the steam.

(5)    Prepare the steamer. Heat the water in the steamer to warm, add a piece of clothing on the steamer, move the dough to onto the wet clothing. Rest for 20mins.

(6)     Heat the steamer again till the water starts boiling. Heat for another 25-30mins. Turn off the heat and wait for 2-3 mins before remove the lid.

(7)    Served warm or cold. If you like sweet, you can add more brown sugar.