
  1.  10 Large Eggs
  2.   1 bunch Live Dill
  3.  1 medium cucumber
  4.   4 oz smoked salmon


  1. Boil the eggs in a large pan with eggs immersed. The water level should be one inch higher than the top of the eggs.
  2. Bring the water to boil for 1 mins. Remove the pan from the heat and let it sit for at least 15 mins with lid covered.
  3. Cool the eggs in the running water.
  4. Prepare the salmon and cut the salmon into the small pieces. Ground the fresh dill and keep some dill for embellishment later. Cut the cucumber into the small pieces.
  5. Peel the egg shell and remove the yolk and keep 5 yolks.
  6. Mix yolk, cucumber, salmon and dill. Also keep salmon for later embellishment as well.
  7. Fill one spoon of salmon mixture into each half egg white, add rest of the salmon on the top of the egg white.
  8. Store the plate at cold for at least 2 hours.
  9. Garnish the egg with dill before serving.