Sweet potato contains high fiber, and provides high potassium, and other minerals. It is a very healthy food for glucose controlling diet. Sticky rice powder provide a soft and chewing texture. Sticky rice and sweet potato pancake is a healthy and delicious choice for breakfast and afternoon snack. The pancake used this recipe is soft and chewy even cold.


  1. 2 medium purple sweet potato
  2. 2 medium yam
  3. 2 medium sweet potato
  4. 1 1/2 cup sticky rice powder
  5. 1/4 cup pre-baked white sesame seeds.


  1. Peel the sweet potato, yam and purple sweet potato, and steam until there is crack inside the potato chunks.
  2. Let the potato cool and smash the potato. Add the sticky rice powder, mix and knead into a ball.
  3. Divide the ball into 10 small balls.
  4. Scroll the ball on top of the sesame seeds. Press the ball into flat cake.
  5.  Cook the pancake in a non-sticky pan without oil at low-medium heat until the sesame seed fragrance and both sides turn to brown.