Many people order Asian noodle  from restaurant. However, those noodle dishes are very oily due to the way cooked. My husband like Italian spaghetti a lot. Most time I will make beef tomato spaghetti sauce at home. However it is very time consuming and sometime make stove kinda messy because of the tomato sauce. I prefer fish more than beef due to health consciousness. Therefore I tried this dish today and it turned out very delicious.

The recipe offer 6 servings.


  1. 1 pound whole wheat spaghetti
  2. 1 medium onion ( sliced)
  3. 4 medium carrots ( sliced)
  4. 1 pound green beans ( French cut)
  5. 1/2 pound Tilapia  fish fillet
  6. 1 tbsp freshly chopped garlic
  7. 1 tbsp fresh finely chopping garlic
  8. 1 tbsp corn starch
  9. 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  10. 1 tbp preserved black beans
  11. 1/2 cup organic chicken broth


  1. Heat a large sauce pan with lots of water, add a little bit salt, add the spaghetti when the water becomes boiling. Don’t over cook the spaghetti. After the spaghetti is done, take the spaghetti out and save the water to cook the fish.
  2. Cut the fish fillet into slices about one inch in width. Marinate fish with corn starch, ginger for 15 minutes.  Boil the fish in the boiling water from spaghetti for 5 minutes. Take fishes pieces out and let sit aside.
  3. Heat another cooking pan, add garlic and olive oil, when the garlic turn a little bit light brown, then add onion and carrot into the pan. Reduce the heat to moderate, you don’t want to burn the onion or carrot. It takes time to soften onion and carrot. High and intensive heating is not good. Until the onion becomes translucent and carrot turn to soft, add green bean into the pan, stir and mix all the vegetable well. Cover the vegetable with lid for 2 minutes. Then add preserved beans and chicken broth, cook for another 3 minutes.
  4. Add fish into the pan, stir and mix very well. Cook for one more minutes. Because the fish meat is very tender and soft. Be sure not to over mix it. Otherwise fish pieces will broke into small pieces.
  5. Serve vegetable  with spaghetti warm.


  1. Whole wheat spaghetti is much healthier than normal flour. It provides more fiber.
  2. The vegetable dish gives colorful looking, red, green, black and brownish. Perfect combination.
  3. Fish meat is much leaner than beef ball.
  4. There is no stir fry noodle in this dish, but when you combine spaghetti with vegetable, it gives you the stir fry taste.

LOVE it.

Forget to take photo of plates with spaghetti with vegetables.